Longevity Part 3: Marky (to) Market & The UnFree Lunch

Longevity Part 3: Marky (to) Market & The UnFree Lunch

There won’t be any perfect solutions, so rethinking portfolios require adjustments to our expectations, as the title implies.

Show notes

Many people have heard of the modern-day Mark Wahlberg, as he’s been an A-list celebrity for many years and was even the world’s best-paid actor in 2017. Far fewer people – especially those coming of age in the early 90s (like yours truly) – likely remember his bringing the world Good Vibrations as the leader of Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch. Although it wasn’t the type of music my supercool-hockey-playing-skateboarding friends and I actively listened to, that song certainly evokes some nostalgic feeling of that era. And I’m sure Mark Wahlberg will be happy to know that his former persona can still inspire both hilarious quotes and puns of questionable quality (like today’s title).

Picking up where we left off in the last alt.Blend, we’re now looking for our B-squad: investment strategies that can help replace a portion of traditional bonds (especially US Treasuries) that will no longer provide the income or total-return needed for adequate portfolio longevity. And, as I previously mentioned, there won’t be any perfect solutions, so this rethinking of portfolios will also require some adjustment of our expectations, and that’s where today’s title comes in. Today will focus more on the expectations-setting, and the next piece – likely the last in this miniseries – will outline solutions.

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Steve Tresnan

Steve Tresnan

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