

Examining the basics of alternative investment funds

Show notes

“First master the fundamentals.” -Larry Bird

It doesn’t get simpler than that. This is but the second edition of Alt Blend, and we are continuing to examine the basics, with today’s focus being on alternative investment funds. When one spends time contemplating the advent of alternative investment funds (which I have just done), it’s almost surprisingly obvious why they exist. However, it’s also a topic worth spending some time on because it will help us cover some alternative investment essentials. Imagine you and some of your long-time friends decide to all pitch-in money and buy a few investment properties. Even if you could afford to buy some property individually, there may be appeal in doing this as a group, for several reasons:

• You can buy more properties than you’d be able to on your own (more financial resources, more diversification of risk) • Each member has a different skill set that will be useful to the group (more expertise); perhaps your group even includes a real estate professional who can source promising off-market deals (more/better access) • The workload will be more manageable for each member (more human capital)

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Steven Tresnan

Steven Tresnan

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