Crypto Dip-Toe Part 3: A (Digital) Currency Caper

Crypto Dip-Toe Part 3: A (Digital) Currency Caper

Bitcoin and digital currency is just this thing that was always going to happen

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“Bitcoin and digital currency is just this thing that was always going to happen.” – Tyler Winklevoss

The digital currency movement (including Bitcoin) is undoubtedly “a thing” that is happening, but I think the jury is still out on where it all goes. Will it:

Take over the world of fiat currencies and function as the dominant form of global reserves? Find a place coexisting within our current system of centralized, country-specific money? Fizzle out? If you forced my hand, I’d choose “d” – some combination of the above that plays out in ways we’d never guess at this point. As we’ve touched on in the past, humans aren’t good at predicting the future, and tempering our expectations (in either direction) is probably a reasonable thing to do. Although we have no idea what the future of currency will be, we can take a brief look back to see where it’s been to have a firmer basis for thinking more critically about it.

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Steve Tresnan

Steve Tresnan

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